Looking for Products and cosmetics that suit you perfectly without giving you any irritation and Itchiness is quite difficult. Going Natural is one of the best ways to resolve this issue which not only saves your time but also helps your pocket to save up some money. But why should one try natural things?  The answer is simple, they have comparatively fewer side effects compared to chemical-based products. So here are some kitchen ingredients that help us to achieve the goal for that glowing skin,

# 1  Coconut Oil Or Almond Oil

To get rid of that Dry skin that has lost its moisture. So here is the Solution Coconut or Almond oil perfectly fits in the scenario. It keeps your skin hydrated and helps to trap moisture within the skin pores. It also acts as a perfect remedy for the skin suffering from acne and inflammation issues. It also helps to reduce wrinkles and fine lines on the skin. And to mention the reduction of puffiness on the face.

Best way to Use:  Apply virgin coconut oil or Sweet almond oil after washing your face before going to bed and gently Dab it with oil and now you are all set to escape to your dreamland. For best results use regularly.

# 2 Tomato


Tomato the Berry that gives the tangy taste to your buds also works perfectly for your skin. It acts as a vital source of Vitamin C which our skin craves. And also it acts as an excellent remedy for oily skin to reduce that excess oil accumulating on your skin. It also makes Skin cleaner and tighter and also a part of that glow due to the antioxidants present in it.

Best way to Use:  Now you can use tomatoes on the skin in 2 ways                                                                                                                    1) Directly Cut the raw tomato and rub gently on your skin for 5-7 minutes and rinse the face after with cool water.

2) Blend the tomato in a puree form mix a small amount of agar agar powder to it and apply it directly on your face. For best results use at least twice or thrice a week.


# 3 Sandalwood Powder

If you are a person with Hot body type and sweat profusely a lot so here is the solution for that. Sandalwood powder was obtained from the bark of the tree genus Santalum which is found in Asian countries. It has a distinct fragrant to it that not only helps to improvise your skin but also provides a soothing calm effect to your body. It is an excellent Product that has antibacterial properties that reduce your acne and leaves you with a flawless look on the skin. It has the least side effects and perfect for people with Sensitive Skin types.

Best way to Use: It is easy to use with less or no mess, Mix the Powder directly with either water, Milk, or Rosewater for better effects it should have a consistency of paste. Rinse your face with water and apply the paste directly on your skin leave it to rest for 20-30 minutes and rinse directly with cool water. Avoid using any type of soap or facewash. For best results use once or twice a week.

# 4 Neem Powder

The neem tree is considered one of the important medicinal plants in ancient Ayurveda. It acts as an excellent antioxidant and helps to reduce melanin production of skin and also to attain even tone on skin. It acts as a wonderful factor for reducing Dark spots, Acne, and Blemishes on the skin, and only that it also helps to heal the scar tissues. It also has a secret anti-aging property that makes your skin look much younger. The Neem powder is mainly obtained from leaves of the tree genus Azadirachta.

Best way to Use:  Mix the neem powder with a pinch of turmeric powder. Add water or rose water and make a paste consistency. Rinse your face with water and apply the paste let it rest for 20-25 minutes. Then wash it with cool water. Avoid using soap or face wash for a while. For best results use once or twice a week

# 5 Honey

One of the best natural remedies for that acne-prone and oily skin. It is the best antibacterial and antiseptic natural substance. It also acts as a moisturizer and hydrates the skin to a greater extent its healing and soothing property treats the cuts and scars formed on the skin. This natural product has also been identified to reduce fine lines and wrinkles formed on the skin.

Best way to Use:  It can be applied directly on the skin or by mixing it with a pinch of turmeric or use a small amount of milk. It deeply nourishes your skin and leaves it with a glow. Best to use twice or thrice a week with no side effects than can be used on the daily basis.

# 6 Turmeric Powder

Turmeric has always been a natural beauty providing substance it provides its results starting from the first use. It has wonderful antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It can treat almost all skin issues like Acne, Pimples, Blemishes, Acne scars, dark spots, Uneven tanning, and anti-aging Problems.

Best way to Use:  it can be used in many ways

  • Mix the turmeric powder with a small amount of water, rose water, or milk to make a paste and apply it on your face. Rinse with cool water after 15 minutes.
  • You can also mix it with honey, neem powder, or gram flour to get a better result. Use it once or twice a week for better results.



These Substance Provide glow for your skin But never forget you always shine from within.

Note:- If you feel any itchiness or irritation after applying any of these products wash it immediately with water. And if there is swelling cool the area with ice cubes and immediately seek medical attention without any delay.


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