Marketing trends

The concept of marketing was born after 1950, and the way of thinking and trends in marketing at that time were completely different from the present.

Philip Kotler, who is said to be the father of modern marketing, explains these changes in thinking and trends in the following four eras.

Marketing 1.0 “Product-centric”

Price competition was the mainstream of marketing in the 1950s. It was thought that if we could produce products cheaper and in large quantities and provide them to meet demand that far exceeded supply, we would sell.

In this era, the market was made up of “price elasticity,” which expresses the correlation between supply and demand by changing the price of goods. It can be said that the company had an advantage because the seller company adjusted the price so that the demand did not exceed the supply.


Marketing 2.0 “Customer Centricity”

Around the time of the 1970 oil crisis, the “needs” of “what consumers need” became more important.

Overheating of price competition has led to the development of production technology, which has made it possible to mass-produce inexpensive products, resulting in the distribution of similar products. As a result, it became necessary to identify consumer needs and provide products tailored to the market.

Companies will acquire customers by differentiating their products from their competitors.


Marketing 3.0 “Value Center”

Consumer needs shift not only to material commercial value but also to social added value. In addition, the spread of the Internet has made it easier for businesses and consumers to obtain information. Therefore, companies will use the Internet for marketing.

Until now, companies have been conducting economic activities with the goal of “pursuing profits,” but in this era, “corporate social responsibility” is becoming more important. Not only is the product we provide valuable, but it has also come to be evaluated on the axis of “whether it contributes to society.” As a result, more companies are tackling social issues such as global warming and recycling.

In this way, the evaluation axis of consumers has become an added value to society, and it has become possible for companies to carry out social contribution activities as one of the marketing methods.

Marketing 4.0 “Self-actualization center”

From around 2010, there will be a demand for products that satisfy spiritual value by fulfilling consumers’ self-actualization and desires as well as social factors. The “self-actualization” mentioned here is based on the final stage of the five-step theory of desire proposed by American psychologist.

In modern times, the spread of such as blogs and SNS by, with a means for transmitting its own consumer also information not only the company now. You can exchange information with each other by disseminating the products you purchased through blogs and SNS.

Against this background, companies need to think not only about the “process up to purchase” as before, but also about the new process “after purchasing the product.”


Marketing process

The important thing in conducting marketing activities is to first formulate a solid basic strategy, research the situation, and act.

In particular, clarifying “who sells what and how” is an important factor that leads to marketing results.


The main marketing process goes through the following order:

1) Market research

2) Advertising activities

3) Effectiveness verification

We will explain in detail the specific flow of marketing.


  • Process 1 Market research

Marketing activities begin with market research.

There are two main types of research. First, “analysis of the external environment” such as what is selling in the market and what is required of customers.

The other is “analysis of the internal environment” inside the company, which is the strengths and weaknesses of sales / sales methods and products.

In the CCC marketing, take advantage of the big data that is held in the Company and market research and customer analysis can be done.


  • Process 2Advertising activities

Once the market has been analyzed, we will carry out product advertising activities.

In advertising activities, based on the data obtained from research such as market research, we decided on

it, and TV. We will select and practice effective methods from various options such as the use of mass media such as, the Internet, and the use of SNS.

CCC Marketing proposes the most suitable service media according to the issues of the company.


  • Process 3Effect verification

It is necessary to carry out advertising activities and verify the effectiveness of the product after it has been sold or sold.

By verifying whether the product has actually been sold based on costs and responses, it will be important data for connecting to the next market research, sales / sales activities, and marketing.

In CCC marketing, we consistently verify the effectiveness of measures. It is possible to verify from various angles, such as the characteristics of policy responders, subsequent verification of purchasing behavior, and the implementation of questionnaires to policy responders.


Typical customer approach and strategy

In marketing activities, there are various methods and strategies for approaching customers depending on the type of industry and company.


  • Mass marketing type

Mass marketing is about marketing to all consumers in the same way, without targeting them.

The main focus is mass production, mass sales, and mass promotion, and while it is easy to lead to large profits, it is characterized by enormous costs.

  • Inbound marketing type

Inbound marketing is a marketing activity that encourages purchases by providing information to consumers and making them interested in products.

Since it is possible to send various information to consumers, it has the advantage of being easy to become a customer, but it has the disadvantage that it takes time to produce marketing results and it takes effort to continuously send information.

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